Wednesday, April 9, 2008

White men are not worthy of their position in society

Because we have historically trusted community leadership to the hands of white males who lazily and greedily indulge in lusts for violence towards race groups, our societies continue to be disorganized and poorly managed.

These people are sacrificing the foundations of our stable and intelligent society to indulge in their emotional laziness. They expect us to wallow in filth of deterioration because they are unable to manage both simultaneously.

Losers of the white male community take out their aggression on minorities. While they have had enough decades to develop modern cohesive communities they seem completely befuddled by the negative effects of their own race hatred (which is basically a form of laziness). We accept white males as leaders and continue to give them credit, while they increasingly are undeserving of this continued support.

We continue to read venomous words such as 'vermin' applied to the poor and uneducated.

They should not call the victims of their poor societal management vermin. These people simply reveal the animalistic perspectives of our leaders and their inability to maintain sober judgment and thinking. People like you need to be replaced by sane people who will govern for the development of all citizens, regardless of color, or ethnic origin.

Civility is learned and these people can be trained, but under white male government we perpetuate poor community development and management. It takes common sense to fix and correct the problem rather than indulging primitive bloodlusts and disorganized attacks on the minority communities.

If ancient cultures can handle multiculturalism, we should be able to gather enough brain power to govern ourselves progressively. In short, we need these men to lead everyone fairly and equally.