Wednesday, April 9, 2008

White men are not worthy of their position in society

Because we have historically trusted community leadership to the hands of white males who lazily and greedily indulge in lusts for violence towards race groups, our societies continue to be disorganized and poorly managed.

These people are sacrificing the foundations of our stable and intelligent society to indulge in their emotional laziness. They expect us to wallow in filth of deterioration because they are unable to manage both simultaneously.

Losers of the white male community take out their aggression on minorities. While they have had enough decades to develop modern cohesive communities they seem completely befuddled by the negative effects of their own race hatred (which is basically a form of laziness). We accept white males as leaders and continue to give them credit, while they increasingly are undeserving of this continued support.

We continue to read venomous words such as 'vermin' applied to the poor and uneducated.

They should not call the victims of their poor societal management vermin. These people simply reveal the animalistic perspectives of our leaders and their inability to maintain sober judgment and thinking. People like you need to be replaced by sane people who will govern for the development of all citizens, regardless of color, or ethnic origin.

Civility is learned and these people can be trained, but under white male government we perpetuate poor community development and management. It takes common sense to fix and correct the problem rather than indulging primitive bloodlusts and disorganized attacks on the minority communities.

If ancient cultures can handle multiculturalism, we should be able to gather enough brain power to govern ourselves progressively. In short, we need these men to lead everyone fairly and equally.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Climb up another way (by destroying good)

My family has paid its dues like every other, we did not become top level the first generation We worked in all kinds of positions and made it to the top by sheer intelligence. We also were immigrants in the last generation. We followed the rules and have since developed our own level because we are decent people. You have no right to degrade us. We have been taxi drivers and factory workers as well. By sheer persistence our family has advanced without destroying or attacking others. How dare this society insult us and imply that we have not earned our favor and position. The other families are just lazy and stupid, and willing to degrade and attack others when they cannot figure out how to get ahead. As usual, stupidity depends upon violence without similar provocation.

These positions are earned by merit of character and demonstrated leadership. They belong to people who are pillars of the community and are exemplary. These people are looked up to because they have earned their space

It is not about skill or points but about shining light on new directions and about letting light shine through you.

People who attempt to limit an individual's genius prevent that person from producing his or her unique and personal excellence, however they may live their lives up to the point of production.
They are often servants of masters dedicated to a philosophy. This is what develops their greatness.

Loud aggressive people who do not wait to follow the normal channels of a process but instead attempt to climb up through another way should not be let in. Society tends to select for good behavior because it requires more brain and intelligence. These people are not obedient to the important principles, they disregard character building behaviors, and they instead focus on winning the crowd. They weed themselves out of higher society. For example, they disregard the sacred, they have little respect for old people, they have no reverence for God.

They are animals and will do anything to attain their goals. They have various kinds of excellence, but they do not have compassion or understanding. They have no thoughtfulness and they are not ameliorated by the needs of their surroundings or others. They do not have the essential behaviors necessary to maintain civilization, and civilization is all that we have.

Part 2

They approach us silently with energy suggesting we take a lower position, but it is not for higher purposes or better community organization, it is for their convenience and emotional laziness (survival). They are not sensible or intellectual enough to not be destructive while they are confused about a situation. Their first action should have to share equally and make the people a less hierarchical and stronger community. They are organizing for themselves; do not include yourself in their structures any more. They have decided to throw out Christianity and us as well because they are probably panicking organizationally. Just do only what is sensible, e.g. do not worship the women, or dominate each other. We do not need an external hierarchy as we have higher levels of interaction based on African intelligence and Islam and Christianity.

Black and White Tribal Problems: Organizational mistakes and economic devastations.

You are being attacked economically and made to submit your principles to a silent dictator. Do not submit your level because you are not asked to stand down temporarily. You are being organized incorrectly. Our community organizes itself automatically and accurately. We have all followed white mainstream organization. We have been a part of the family and treat everyone accordingly. But we have been abused without any plan to prevent it. Without acknowledging that they were not able or interested in keeping rack of all of us simultaneously, they have made mistake and attacked us economically. They are not doing well on an economic level en mass, and we are on severe poverty levels. They have decided to kick us out of their organizational structure as we have become burdens who are concomitantly better in some developmental areas. They are now abusing us even though we have continued to consider them family even children and have given them credit to continue the organization and administration.

"Say, Dinner Guest, Shine my Shoes."

How shocking to have dinner with a group of people and then find out that their secret aim is to enslave you to themselves. Imagine that they attempt to do it without telling you.

The prevailing society has decided to imagine that I am at some level where I am interested in adjusting to their imagination.
They think that I enjoy them enough to submit to their insults.

I am here to enjoy myself, I am not here to have them include me on a low level.

I have a higher level at home, and do not need the sows trough that they offer.

I think because white society has misunderstood our interaction with them, we should begin separate schools and separate entirely.

We enjoy them as co-workers and acquaintances, but we are not dependent on their messy internal hierarchy for how we live our lives.

Just say no to their invitation and associate with other sane people like yourself, often black people, but sometimes of other colors. These people have assumed that black people are low level members of their society, instead of 'migrant workers'.

Just say no to a more intimate fellowship as Christianity requires, and if they attack your person defend yourself.

We are not interested in silent and imaginary authorities and subservient behaviors for jobs and money when we can get the same on our own and independently.

There is no reason for us to pay for such sorry hospitality. The oriental traditions used to welcome people into their homes with free room board entertainment and friendship for 30 days or more without question of payment. Now we are made to bleed for a crust of bread and sell ourselves for less!

The standards of the Caribbean (and commonwealth) community must be maintained. We are parallel to other communities but maintain our own niceties and behaviors. Civilities and graciousness.

We are not to be insulted by other cultures that have a lower status among our own people and cannot reach our levels.

We should maintain our bodies inviolate, even from telepathic invasions, and the community itself should be defended (every member). Without allowing our bodies social and physical to be wounded the path of intelligent advancement will be maintained.

Our social patience has been mistaken for subservience.

If they do not want our company on a normal level, then let them eat cake, and keep company elsewhere.

As Christians, when faced with world dominance even on a telepathic level, we should begin to develop communities that depend on militaristic communism for their support so that we can maintain communal integrity like the Amish.

Christian Communal Preservation

Separatism. Otherworldliness, non-conformity based on Biblical teachings in Romans 12:1-2 and II Cor. 6:14. This pervades the entire lifestyle of the Amish (dress, language, work, travel and education).

Simple Life. Simplicity and humility (demut) are stressed in Amish community. Education and training is limited to elementary levels. Amish warn of the "pagan" philosophy and the intellectual enterprise of "fallen man." Historically, they avoid all training associated with self exaltation, pride of position, enjoyment of power and the art of war and violence.
Family Life. Amish marry Amish. No intermarriage is allowed. Divorce is not permitted and separation is very rare. They are strictly monogamous and generally patriarchal. Sex roles are clearly defined. The average family size is 7-8 children. Homosexuality is not recognized as an acceptable lifestyle.
Harmony with the soil and nature. Manual labor is good (Amish have little regard for labor-saving devices). Hard work and thriftiness are virtues. Amish believe that God is pleased when people work in harmony with nature, the soil, the weather and care of animals and plants. Amish always live in rural community. By contrast, the city is viewed as a center of leisure, non-productive spending, and often as the stage for evil and wickedness.
Mutual Assistance. Amish do not survive outside of community. There is much neighboring in the community, and helping each other is the most common way of socializing. They carry no life or property insurance; the church assists in cases of major loss. Large families generally give assurance of care for the elderly. Only rarely do Amish retire to places other than the dawdyhaus, a small house built next to the main farm house. Retired Amish farmers do not receive Social Security.
Disciplined Church Community. Discipline in the Amish community can be sometimes harsh and uncompromising. Baptized members are morally committed to church rules. Erring members are generally excommunicated and shunned until there is forgiveness and restoration to full fellowship. The Mennonite Historical Library located on the campus of Goshen College contains approximately 45,000 volumes, an unrivaled collection of Anabaptistica and Mennonitica that includes substantial source materials on the Amish, on family genealogies, local history, and Pennsylvania Dutch culture.

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