Sunday, March 9, 2008

Climb up another way (by destroying good)

My family has paid its dues like every other, we did not become top level the first generation We worked in all kinds of positions and made it to the top by sheer intelligence. We also were immigrants in the last generation. We followed the rules and have since developed our own level because we are decent people. You have no right to degrade us. We have been taxi drivers and factory workers as well. By sheer persistence our family has advanced without destroying or attacking others. How dare this society insult us and imply that we have not earned our favor and position. The other families are just lazy and stupid, and willing to degrade and attack others when they cannot figure out how to get ahead. As usual, stupidity depends upon violence without similar provocation.

These positions are earned by merit of character and demonstrated leadership. They belong to people who are pillars of the community and are exemplary. These people are looked up to because they have earned their space

It is not about skill or points but about shining light on new directions and about letting light shine through you.

People who attempt to limit an individual's genius prevent that person from producing his or her unique and personal excellence, however they may live their lives up to the point of production.
They are often servants of masters dedicated to a philosophy. This is what develops their greatness.

Loud aggressive people who do not wait to follow the normal channels of a process but instead attempt to climb up through another way should not be let in. Society tends to select for good behavior because it requires more brain and intelligence. These people are not obedient to the important principles, they disregard character building behaviors, and they instead focus on winning the crowd. They weed themselves out of higher society. For example, they disregard the sacred, they have little respect for old people, they have no reverence for God.

They are animals and will do anything to attain their goals. They have various kinds of excellence, but they do not have compassion or understanding. They have no thoughtfulness and they are not ameliorated by the needs of their surroundings or others. They do not have the essential behaviors necessary to maintain civilization, and civilization is all that we have.

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