Sunday, March 9, 2008

The standards of the Caribbean (and commonwealth) community must be maintained. We are parallel to other communities but maintain our own niceties and behaviors. Civilities and graciousness.

We are not to be insulted by other cultures that have a lower status among our own people and cannot reach our levels.

We should maintain our bodies inviolate, even from telepathic invasions, and the community itself should be defended (every member). Without allowing our bodies social and physical to be wounded the path of intelligent advancement will be maintained.

Our social patience has been mistaken for subservience.

If they do not want our company on a normal level, then let them eat cake, and keep company elsewhere.

As Christians, when faced with world dominance even on a telepathic level, we should begin to develop communities that depend on militaristic communism for their support so that we can maintain communal integrity like the Amish.

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