Sunday, March 9, 2008

"Say, Dinner Guest, Shine my Shoes."

How shocking to have dinner with a group of people and then find out that their secret aim is to enslave you to themselves. Imagine that they attempt to do it without telling you.

The prevailing society has decided to imagine that I am at some level where I am interested in adjusting to their imagination.
They think that I enjoy them enough to submit to their insults.

I am here to enjoy myself, I am not here to have them include me on a low level.

I have a higher level at home, and do not need the sows trough that they offer.

I think because white society has misunderstood our interaction with them, we should begin separate schools and separate entirely.

We enjoy them as co-workers and acquaintances, but we are not dependent on their messy internal hierarchy for how we live our lives.

Just say no to their invitation and associate with other sane people like yourself, often black people, but sometimes of other colors. These people have assumed that black people are low level members of their society, instead of 'migrant workers'.

Just say no to a more intimate fellowship as Christianity requires, and if they attack your person defend yourself.

We are not interested in silent and imaginary authorities and subservient behaviors for jobs and money when we can get the same on our own and independently.

There is no reason for us to pay for such sorry hospitality. The oriental traditions used to welcome people into their homes with free room board entertainment and friendship for 30 days or more without question of payment. Now we are made to bleed for a crust of bread and sell ourselves for less!

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